In the quest for a home, many prospective Raleigh homebuyers are postponing their buying decisions, swayed by the current state of Raleigh mortgage rates. In this insightful piece, Raleigh Mortgage Broker Logan Martini from Martini Mortgage Group explores two compelling reasons this delay could be counterproductive.
Persistent Elevated Inflation
The onset of the pandemic saw the Federal Reserve roll out economic stimulus programs, coupled with significant governmental spending, propelling inflation rates to a pinnacle unseen since the early ’80s.
The annual consumer inflation soared past 8% in 2022, although recent data show a decline, landing at a 4.1% annual inflation rate. However, it’s still a departure from the Fed’s ideal 2% target.
A future dip in the annual consumer inflation rate towards the Fed’s 2% target might trigger a decrease in mortgage rates. Yet, a significant shift may continue for another year or two.
The silver lining is the concurrent rise in real estate values driven by inflation. Homeownership remains a robust avenue to amass wealth in the prevailing economy.
Surge in Bond Supply
Recent narratives reveal about $7.6 trillion of US government debt maturing within the upcoming year, mandating a refinancing at the existing market rates against the former era’s lower rates. This scenario will invariably ramp up interest expenses on government debt, breeding further obligation to cover the elevated interest charges.
Additionally, the fiscal burden of essential government initiatives like Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare is skyrocketing with no downtrend in sight.
These dynamics forecast a flood of bonds entering the market in the ensuing years to cover these expenses. This influx will likely incite investors to seek higher interest rates on these bonds, casting a long shadow on Raleigh mortgage rates and keeping them lofty for at least another couple of years.
However, a glimpse back to the 1980s, when mortgage rates peaked at 18.63% as per Freddie Mac data, reveals that home buying continued unabated. Today’s interest rates are considerably lower, and with the option to refinance once inflation and bond supply find a stable ground, there’s little reason for apprehension.
Marry the Home, Flirt WIth the Rate
“Marry the home and flirt with the rate” is a strategic approach for homebuyers deployed by the Martini Mortgage Group. This phrase highlights the importance of understanding the long-term value of real estate (marrying the home) and the temporary nature of mortgage interest rates (flirting with the rate).
The fundamental principle behind “marry the home and flirt with the rate” encourages homebuyers to prioritize discovering the perfect property that aligns with their long-term aspirations. Simultaneously, it advises them to be astute and seize opportunities, regardless of the current mortgage rate environment, to secure their home investment. This approach is especially relevant as experts suggest that real estate is poised for more substantial growth.
It’s an undeniable truth that mortgage rates follow cyclical patterns even with stubborn inflation and elevated bond supply. Once this persistent inflation subsides, mortgage rates will likely trend lower, offering an opportunity to refinance and reduce borrowing costs. This prudent strategy underscores the delicate balance between acquiring a home at today’s price point and ensuring long-term financial comfort and stability.
Raleigh Mortgage Lender Logan Martini’s Expertise
For a deeper dive into the ripple effects of inflation, bond supply, or to determine if the “Marry the Home, Flirt WIth the Rate” philosophy aligns with your vision, reach out to Logan Martini of Martini Mortgage Group, a seasoned Raleigh mortgage lender serving families nationwide.